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tamoadmin 2024-06-13
1.谁能提供一篇介绍中国气候的英语文章2.中国的气候 英语作文3.气候的英语作文怎么写4.温带大陆性气候”用英语什么说5.用5个英语句子写一篇关于中国气候的短文


2.中国的气候 英语作文





7.一些关于Polar Climate 和 Tropical Climate 的资料和中国东南部分的气候的资料 要是英语的


原:气候 climate 天气 weather

英:[?kla?m?t] [?we]

美:[?kla?m?t] [?w?]

原:台风 typhoon 龙卷风 tornado

英:[tafu?n] [t?ne?d]

美:[taf?n] [t?r?nedo]

原:windy 刮风的 cloudy 阴天的 sunny 晴朗的 snowy 下雪的 showery 阵雨 foggy 有雾的 storm 暴风雨 sand storm沙尘暴 thunder雷冰雹 hail 雪 snow 雨 rain

英:[?w?nd?] [?kla?d?] [?s?n?] [?sn?] [ari] [?f?g?] [stm] [s?nd] [stm] [?θ?nd?] [he?l] [sn] [re?n]

美:[?w?ndi] [?kla?di] [?s?ni] [?sno?] [ari] [?f?ɡi] [st?rm] [s?nd] [st?rm] [?θ?nd?] [hel] [sno] [re?n]

原:shower 阵雨



原:storm 暴风雨



原:thunder storm 雷beautiful day 好天气

英:[?θ?nd?] [stm] [?bju?t?f?l; -f(?)l] [de?]

美:[?θ?nd?] [st?rm] [?bj?t?f?l] [de]

原:例句:it's a beautiful day.

英:[?ts] [?; e?] [?bju?t?f?l; -f(?)l] [de?]

美:[?ts] [e] [?bj?t?f?l] [de]

原:lovely day 好天气

英:[?l?vl?] [de?]

美:[?l?vli] [de]

原:例句:it's a lovely day.

英:[?ts] [?; e?] [?l?vl?] [de?]

美:[?ts] [e] [?l?vli] [de]

原:nice day 好天气

英:[na?s] [de?]

美:[na?s] [de]

原:例句:it's a nice day.

英:[?ts] [?; e?] [na?s] [de?]

美:[?ts] [e] [na?s] [de]

原:downpour 倾盆大雨



原:例句:we had a downpour.

英:[wi?] [h?d] [?; e?] [?da?np(r)]

美:[wi] [h?d] [e] [?da?npr]

原:drizzle 毛毛雨 yinbiao5.com



原:例句:it's drizzling.

英:[?ts] [?dr?zl]

美:[?ts] [?dr?zl]

原:sprinkle 毛毛雨



原:例句:it's just sprinkling.

英:[?ts] [dst] [?sprkl]

美:[?ts] [dst] [?sprkl]

原:shower 阵雨



原:windy 刮风的



原:breezy 有微风的



原:snow 雪



原:sleet 冰雹



原:例句:we had 3 inches of snow and sleet last week.

英:[wi?] [h?d] [?nt?] [?v; (?)v] [sn] [?nd; (?)n; ?nd] [sli?t] [lɑ?st] [wi?k]

美:[wi] [h?d] [?nt?] [?v] [sno] [?nd nnd] [slit] [l?st] [wik]

原:icy 地面结冰的





Monsooncharacteristics:thevast majority of ouryearinwind directionoccurredwith theregularity oftheseasons, this isour country's geographical locationisdeterminedbytheconfigurationoftheland and sea.The formation ofa coldhigh pressureduetodifferencesinthecharacteristicsofcontinents and oceanthermal,cold wintersinlandAsia,East andSouthernoceansrelativeto becomea hotlow pressure,high-pressure areathe airflow tothearea of low pressure,the formation ofour countrywintermulti-northand the northwestwind;the oppositemainland feverin the oceanin summer,themainland has becomeofthehigh-temperaturelow-pressure area,coolthe oceantobecomeahigh-pressure area,therefore,oursummerprevailedfrom the oceantothe mainland'ssoutheast windorsouthwest wind.

中国的气候 英语作文

China has many different kinds of climate .In the southern part of China, the temperature changes very little between summer and winter. But the north central states have a very different kind of climate. In those countries , people wear light clothing during the summer, and they need heavy wool or fur clothing in the winter. In the southwest, the climate is pleasantly warm during the winter, but the summer is unpleasantly hot. In the eastern part of China, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures. Summer are usually hot, and winters are usually cold. Spring temperatures are comfortably warm, and fall temperatures are pleasantly cool.



China has many different kinds of climate (气候).In the southern part of China, the temperature changes very little between summer and winter. But the north central states have a very different kind of climate. In those countries , people wear light clothing during the summer, and they need heavy wool or fur clothing in the winter.

In the southwest, the climate is pleasantly warm during the winter, but the smnmer is unpleasantly hot.

In the eastern part of China, summer temperatures are very different from winter temperatures. Smnmers are usually hot, and winters are usually cold. Spring temperatures are comfortably warm, and fall temperatures are pleasantly cool.

Years ago, people in the cold parts of China didn’t often get fresh vegetables and fresh fruits during the winter. Today, however, trucks and trains carry fruits and vegetables very quickly to all parts of China. In this way, Chinese "send their chmates" to people in other states.


Climate in China(中国的气候)

China is characterized by a continental climate. The latitude spans nearly 50 degrees. The greater part of the Chinese territory is situated in the Temperate Zone, its southern part in the tropical and subtropical zones, and its northern part near the Frigid Zone.

Temperatures differ therefore rather strikingly across the country. The northern part of Heilongjiang Province has long winters but no summers; while the Hainan Island has long summers but no winters. The Huaihe River valley is marked by distinctive seasonal changes, but it is spring all year round in the south of the Yunnan-Guizhou Plateau.

In the northwest hinterland, the temperature changes dramatically. China high tundra zone is situated in the Qinghai-Tibet, where the temperature is low in all four seasons. Some desert areas are dry all year round.


temperate continental climat 温带大陆性气候

All the European countries in the temperate: temperate maritime climate, temperate continental climate and the Mediterranean climate.



China has a marked continental monsoonal climate characterized by great variety.Northerly winds prevail in winter,while southerly winds reign in summer.The four seasons are quite distinct.The rainy season coincides with the hot season.From September to April the following year,the dry and cold winter monsoons from Siberia and Mongolia in the north gradually become weak as they reach the southern part of the country,resulting in cold and dry winters and great differences in temperature.The summer monsoons last from April to September.

The warm and moist summer monsoons from the oceans bring abundant rainfall and high temperatures,with little difference in temperature between the south and the north.China’s complex and varied climate results in a great variety of temperature belts,and dry and moist zones.In terms of temperature,the nation can be sectored from south to north into equatorial,tropical,sub-tropical,warm-temperate,temperate,and cold-temperate zones; in terms of moisture,it can be sectored from southeast to northwest into humid (32 percent of land area),semi-humid (15 percent),semi-arid (22 percent) and arid zones (31 percent).


一些关于Polar Climate 和 Tropical Climate 的资料和中国东南部分的气候的资料 要是英语的

The weather was abysmal.


The weather varies hourly.


The weather stays fine.


The weather proved unkind.


The weather is promising.


The weather influences crops.


The weather held warm.


The weather have changed.


The weather wrecked our plans.


The weather will milden soon.


wretched weather


windy weather


wet weather


Polar Climate

Near the North and South Poles it is so cold that when the snow falls is does not melt, but gradually accumulates over hundreds and thousands of years to make thick ice sheets. The ice sheets in the Southern Hemisphere are much larger than in the Northern Hemisphere, covering the entire continent of Antarctic. In the North by contrast, ice sheets are restricted mainly to Greenland. Most of the Arctic Circle surrounding the North Pole is ocean, and the seawater freezes to form sea ice, rarely more than a few tens of metres thick.

The cold polar climates can experience very low temperature indeed. This is because for half the year, the Sun does not rise above the horizon. A temperature of -88°C was once reported in Antarctica. Since the air in polar regions is so cold, it contains very little moisture. Such dry air means that there is very little snowfall. Polar climates can be as dry as the hot deserts.

Tropical Climate

Much of the equatorial belt within the tropical climate zone experiences hot and humid weather. There is abundant rainfall due to the active vertical uplift or convection of air that takes place there, and during certain periods, thunderstorms can occur every day. Nevertheless, this belt still receives considerable sunshine, and with the excessive rainfall, provides ideal growing conditions for luxuriant vegetation. The principal regions with a tropical climate are the Amazon Basin in Brazil, the Congo Basin in West Africa and Indonesia.

Because a substantial part of the Sun’s heat is used up in evaporation and rain formation, temperatures in the tropics rarely exceed 35°C; a daytime maximum of 32°C is more common. At night the abundant cloud cover restricts heat loss, and minimum temperatures fall no lower than about 22°C. This high level of temperature is maintained with little variation throughout the year. The seasons, so far as they do exist, are distinguished not as warm and cold periods but by variation of rainfall and cloudiness. Greatest rainfall occurs when the Sun at midday is overhead. On the equator this occurs twice a year in March and September, and consequently there are two wet and two dry seasons. Further away from the equator, the two rainy seasons merge into one, and the climate becomes more monsoonal, with one wet season and one dry season. In the Northern Hemisphere, the wet season occurs from May to July, in the Southern Hemisphere from November to February.

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